2 M Deli
Company Name: 2 M Deli
Status: Active
State: New Jersey
Post: 07002-3843
County: Hudson
City: Bayonne
Address: 641 Broadway
Phone: (201)243-9936
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 581209 Industry group: Eating and Drinking Places, Business category: Eating Places, Subcategory: Delicatessens
Employees: 10
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 400,000
Overall: 2 M Deli is a business categorized under eating places, which is part of the larger category eating and drinking places. 2 M Deli is located at the address 641 Broadway in Bayonne, New Jersey 07002-3843. You can contact by phone (201)243-9936.
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